20 September - 21 September 2025

Moscow Marathon

42.2 km
You are a part of the biggest running event of the country.
You've been through months of training and dozens of races. Your body is ready. Your mind is clear. Your dream is about to come true. The whole city supports you. Your reward is a medal and the awe of thousands of spectators. You are the winner. You have done what most people only dream of - you’re running the Moscow Marathon!

The Moscow Marathon route offers a spectacular tour of Russia’s capital: the Garden Ring, across Krymsky Bridge, along the Boulevard Ring and on Tverskaya Street, through Teatralny Passage and under the walls of the Kremlin before finally reaching the finish line at the Luzhniki Olympic Complex.

Over the course of the race, participants will be able to see more than 30 world-famous attractions, including the Kremlin, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the Bolshoi Theatre, and four of the Seven Sisters skyscrapers.

For Participants

General Information


The route of the half marathon can be changed. 

In 2025, marathon race participants will enjoy an updated route of the Moscow Marathon. The start and finish of the race will be in different places. The marathon distance starts from University Square and ends at the Luzhniki Olympic Complex.

The Moscow Marathon route offers a spectacular tour of Russia’s capital: the Garden Ring, across Krymsky Bridge, along the Boulevard Ring and on Tverskaya Street, through Teatralny Passage and under the walls of the Kremlin before finally reaching the finish line at the Luzhniki Olympic Complex. 

Over the course of the race, participants will be able to see more than 30 world-famous attractions, including the Kremlin, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the Bolshoi Theatre, and four of the Seven Sisters skyscrapers.

The Moscow Marathon is a member of The Association of International Marathons and Distance Races (AIMS). Routes of 42.2 km and 10 km races are certified by AIMS. This year both distances of Moscow Marathon are measured by IAAF-AIMS Course Measurer Sergei Korneev (cat. B).


    Thursday, September 18
  Participant packet pick up
    Friday, September 19
11:00–20:00   Participant packet pick up
  Baggage storage opening at the Olympic Sports Complex
    Saturday, September 20
  Participant packet pick up (until 13:30 for Kids run)
  Baggage storage opening at the Olympic Sports Complex
13:00   Kids start area and changing rooms opening
  Kids run
    Sunday, September 21
7:00   Start area opening at the University Square
  Finish area opening at the Olympic Sports Complex
  Start of 42.2 km, corporate and students relay
13:00-14:30   Awarding
15:50   Finish line closes


Anti-Doping Program

The Moscow Marathon is committed to the principles of pure sport and strives to create a healthy and fair competitive environment for its participants.

Since 2017, the Moscow Marathon has been collaborating with the RUSADA Russian Anti-Doping Agency to demonstrate its commitment to fair, safe and doping-free competitions.

Anti-doping rules apply to all participants. Every athlete can be tested after the finish. The standard practice provides for selective testing of sportsmen taking prize places. Anti-doping rules violation will cause disqualification and other consequences established by the All-Russian Anti-Doping Rules.

In addition to testing athletes, the Moscow Marathon, together with RUSADA, is working on anti-doping education for amateurs.


  • 42.2 km
  • Relay

How to register for 42.2 km

Online registration for Moscow Marathon will close August 18, 2025. Online registration may be closed earlier if the entry limit is reached.

To register for Moscow Marathon, you must complete the online application form and pay the registration fee on Running Community website. During registration enter your personal data according to ID card. Otherwise you will not be able to pick-up your participant packet and bib number. After you have registered, you will receive a confirmation email.

Additional registration will be open on September 17-20, 2025 if there are available entries.

Registration requirements

  • Participants must be 18 years or older on race day.
  • All participants are required to pick up their own participant packet (bib number) on 18 September 14:00-20:00, 19 September 11:00-20:00 or 20 September 11:00-18:00.
  • All participants are required to show a government-issued photo ID and original medical certificate stating the participant has no contraindication to running in competition upon picking up their own participant packet.
  • Registration fees are nonrefundable.
  • Сourse time limit is 6 hours and 00 minutes from personal start.

Registration fee

For Russian citizens

  • if registered from 18.02.2025 to 11.03.2025 — 5000 rubles
  • if registered from 12.03.2025 to 17.07.2025 — 6000 rubles
  • if registered from 18.07.2025 to 18.08.2025 — 7000 rubles
  • if registered from 17.09.2025 to 20.09.2025 — 8000 rubles (if there are available entries) 

For juniors under 21, men from 60 years of age and women from 55 years of age, there are discounts (Russian citizens only) 

  • if registered from 18.02.2025 to 11.03.2025 — 2500 rubles
  • if registered from 12.03.2025 to 17.07.2025 — 3000 rubles
  • if registered from 18.07.2025 to 18.08.2025 — 3500 rubles
  • if registered from 17.09.2025 to 20.09.2025 — 4000 rubles (if there are available entries) 

For foreign citizens

  • if registered from 18.02.2025 to 11.03.2025 — 6000 rubles
  • if registered from 12.03.2025 to 17.07.2025 — 7000 rubles
  • if registered from 18.07.2025 to 18.08.2025 — 8000 rubles
  • if registered from 17.09.2025 to 20.09.2025 — 9000 rubles (if there are available entries) 

VIP Service

VIP-cервис для участника 

VIP-пакет для участника Московского Марафона — набор услуг и сервисов, которые позволят чувствовать себя в финишном городке максимально комфортно:

  • Официальная футболка забега Московский Марафон x insanity;
  • Парковка на территории Олимпийского комплекса «Лужники»;
  • Комфортабельная раздевалка в VIP-зоне на территории Большой спортивной арены Лужников;
  • Отдельная камера хранения в VIP-зоне на территории Большой спортивной арены Лужников;
  • Отдельный туалет в VIP-зоне на территории Большой спортивной арены Лужников;
  • Быстрый выход после финиша;
  • Зона массажа в VIP-зоне на территории Большой спортивной арены Лужников;
  • Зона растяжки в VIP-зоне на территории Большой спортивной арены Лужников;
  • Кейтеринг в VIP-зоне на территории Большой спортивной арены Лужников;
  • Пакет фотографий от Марафон Фото;
  • Видео от сервиса MySportFilm.

Оформить VIP-сервис можно во время регистрации на забег на сайте Бегового сообщества.

Стоимость услуги 30 000 рублей.

VIP-cервис для зрителя

VIP-пакет для зрителя Московского Марафона — набор услуг и сервисов для комфорта любимого болельщика, который будет встречать вас после финиша:

  • Доступ зрителя в VIP-зону на территории Большой спортивной арены Олимпийского комплекса «Лужники»;
  • Кейтеринг в VIP-зоне на территории Большой спортивной арены Лужников;
  • Доступ на VIP-трибуну в зоне финиша;
  • Отдельный туалет в VIP-зоне на территории Большой спортивной арены Лужников;
  • Сувенир с символикой забега.

Оформить VIP-сервис для зрителя можно во время регистрации на забег на сайте Бегового сообщества.

Стоимость услуги 15 000 рублей. Дети до 12 лет бесплатно (не более 2-х).

Elite Qualification

Регистрация спортсменов в элитную категорию на дистанцию 42,2 км производится после прохождения квалификационного отбора.

Для квалификации в элитную категорию спортсмену или его официальному представителю необходимо отправить заявку в период в период с 01.06.2025 до 18.08.2025 на электронный адрес elite@runc.run и предоставить подтвержденные результаты, соответствующие квалификационному времени. Учитываются результаты соревнований, прошедших после 1 января 2023 года.

Квалификационное время для претендующих на включение в элитную категорию на дистанции 42,2 км:

  • мужчины: до 2:23:00 на марафоне или до 1:07:00 на полумарафоне
  • женщины: до 2:45:00 на марафоне или до 1:17:00 на полумарафоне


Спортивная страховка от нашего партнёра СК «Сбербанк Страхование»

Полис «Спортивная защита» пригодится тем, кто активно тренируется и участвует в соревнованиях. В рамках одного полиса можно выбрать до пяти разных спортивных направлений: он покрывает более 300 видов спорта, а значит, будет интересен не только бегунам. Оформить страхование можно как индивидуально, так и для группы лиц (например, своего бегового клуба); как на взрослого, так и на ребёнка.

Подробности — на сайте партнёра.

Реклама. ООО СК «Сбербанк страхование», лицензия Банка России СЛ № 4331, ОГРН 1147746683479. Erid: 2VfnxwoDqxC

How to register for relay

Registration for the Moscow Marathon Corporate Relay is open.

In the relay can participate teams of four people aged 16 years and older.

Applications from the teams should be sent to the email relay@runc.run.

The application and payment must be made by 22.08.2025.

Registration requirements

  • Participants must be 16 years or older on race day
  • The team must have at least one member of a different gender
  • The team must include employees of the organization
  • Teams captain are required to pick up participant packets (bib numbers) for team on September 18-20
  • The captain should pick up participant packets (bib numbers) for the whole team
  • The captain are required to show a government-issued photo IDs and original medical certificates stating the participant has no contraindication to running in competition upon picking up their own participant packet of all team members
  • Participants 16-17 years of age are required to show permission from a parent or legal guardian permitting them to participate in the race while picking up their participant packets

Registration fee

Registration fee for team — 110,000 rubles.

Payment must be made by bank transfer to the account of the organizer.

Paying organisation must be a resident of Russia.


Спортивная страховка от нашего партнёра СК «Сбербанк Страхование»

Полис «Спортивная защита» пригодится тем, кто активно тренируется и участвует в соревнованиях. В рамках одного полиса можно выбрать до пяти разных спортивных направлений: он покрывает более 300 видов спорта, а значит, будет интересен не только бегунам. Оформить страхование можно как индивидуально, так и для группы лиц (например, своего бегового клуба); как на взрослого, так и на ребёнка.

Подробности — на сайте партнёра.

Реклама. ООО СК «Сбербанк страхование», лицензия Банка России СЛ № 4331, ОГРН 1147746683479. Erid: 2VfnxwoDqxC

Packet Pick Up

  • 42.2 km
  • Relay

Location & hours

Olympic Сomplex «Luzhniki»

Thursday, September 18
14:00 – 20:00

FridaySeptember 19
11:00 – 20:00

SaturdaySeptember 20
11:00 – 18:00

Participant packets will not be available for pick up at start area


Participant packet

  • Bib number with timing chip and safety pins
  • Wristband and clothing bag for clothing drop off
  • Heatsheet and food at finish
  • Finisher medal


  • Running T-shirt insanity with race design for 2500 rubles if purchased online or 2800 rubles offline

How to pick up participant packet

To pick-up participant packet you must present:

  • Government-issued photo identity document
  • Medical certificate stating the participant has no contra-indication to running in competition (medical certificate will not be returned, a photocopy of certificate is accepted upon presentation of the original).

If you can’t pick-up your participant packet on 18-20 September, a friend or family member may serve as your proxy and pick up your race materials for you. Proxy must bring the following documents for person he/she is representing:

  • The original letter of attorney for a third party to collect participant’s packet. The letter will not be returned
  • Government-issued photo identity document
  • A copy of the participant’s identity document
  • Medical certificate stating the participant has no contra-indication to running in competition (medical certificate will not be returned, a photocopy of certificate is accepted upon presentation of the original).

The power of attorney does not entitle the authorized person to participate in the race with your number. The transfer of the number is prohibited by the rules of the competition. A participant with a another's number will be disqualified.

Medical certificate

Medical certificate must proof that the participant has no contra-indication to running in competition. Medical certificate must be valid in the athlete's country of residence, filled in, stamped and signed by a doctor, and comply with all the rules and regulations enforced in the athlete's country. The certificate must be issued less than 6 months prior to the race.

Certificates will not be returned to the participants. A copy is acceptable upon presentation of the original certificate.

Location & hours

Olympic Сomplex «Luzhniki»

Thursday, September 18
14:00 – 20:00

FridaySeptember 19
11:00 – 20:00

SaturdaySeptember 20
11:00 – 18:00

Participant packets will not be available for pick up at start area

Participant packet

  • Bib number with timing chip and safety pins
  • Wristband and clothing bag for clothing drop off
  • Water and food at finish
  • Heatsheet at finish
  • Finisher medal

How to pick up participant packet

The captain should pick up participant packets (bib numbers) for the whole team. The captain are required to show:

  • His identity card
  • A copy of a government-issued photo ID of each team member
  • Original medical certificates stating the participant has no contraindication to running in competition of each team member
  • For participants 16-17 years of age: permission from a parent or legal guardian permitting them to participate in the race
  • Power of attorney from the company to pick up team participant packets (the letter will not be returned)

Medical certificate

Medical certificate must proof that the participant has no contra-indication to running in competition. Medical certificate must be valid in the athlete's country of residence, filled in, stamped and signed by a doctor, and comply with all the rules and regulations enforced in the athlete's country. The certificate must be issued less than 6 months prior to the race.

Certificates will not be returned to the participants. A copy is acceptable upon presentation of the original certificate.

Race Day

  • 42.2 km
  • Relay

Getting there

Start area is located on University Square.

Please use metro. It’s the fastest and most convenient way to get to the start area. Arrive to Vorobyovy Gory or University metro station, Red line (1)

Finish area is located on Luzhniki Olympic complex.

Please use metro. Arrive to Vorobyovy Gory or Sportivnaya metro station, Red line (1) or Luzhniki station, MCC (14).

Please take into account road closures, possible delays and queues due to the number of participants. Come to the start area early, do not ruin your chances for a good race by being late.

Please note that you will need at least 90 minutes to get from the metro station to the entrance to a starting corrals.

There will be no car parking facilities near the start.

Entrance to the start area 

The start area will open for participants and spectators at 7:00.

Bike parking will be organized near the entrance.

All visitors are subject to bag search by police. Prohibited items:

  • A weapon of any kind, any dangerous item or “dual-use” item that could be considered dangerous, including hammers, saws, sharp objects, etc.
  • Alcoholic beverages and illegal substances of any kind
  • Glass or metal containers of liquid
  • Suitcases and rolling bags, large packages
  • Animals/pets.

Changing tents & baggage storage

For your convenience, male and female changing tents, baggage storage are available only in the finish area at the Olympic Sports Complex

Please arrive in sportswear. Do not leave your belongings unattended.

Together with your race number you will receive a sticker and a wristband for the baggage storage. Please use only the bag, which you received with your race number. You will also receive a sticker with a number on it to stick on the bag. Tie a wristband with a number around your wrist. The clothing bag pick up is possible only upon presentation of your wristband with the number.

Do not put any valuable or fragile items in your clothing bags. We recommend that you keep your valuables, such as hotel card and mobile phone with you or with friends or family. The organisers are not liable for any damage or loss of your items.


Toilets are located in the start and finish areas and at each refreshment station. 

Please use the toilets beforehand. The biggest lines to toilets form at least 30 min before the start.


Marathon race start at 9:00.

The start will be divided into blocks according to the submitted estimated personal times.

A letter of your start corral is indicated on race number. Look for the corresponding letter signs to get into your corral. Runners are allowed only with the race number. Runners who are assigned to different corrals but wish to start together may do so by going to the slower corral.

Race officials will make multilingual announcements when it’s time for runners to line up in the corrals. Please follow the instructions of the race officials.

The race will start in waves. Your net running time will start to be recorded when you cross the start line. Please follow directions from race officials and volunteers at all times for a safe and orderly start to the race.

Please mind your fellow runners when you change lanes, spit, or approach a refreshment stand. Please take care not to endanger others or yourself. In order to be able to hear your fellow runners of volunteers we ask you to run without music headphones. Doing so you also won’t miss any cheers from the spectators.

No animals or wheeled vehicles/devices of any kind are allowed on the course. No wheeled vehicles are allowed to accompany the runners along the course. Anyone who disregards this rule will be disqualifed and removed from the course.


Pacemakers help others to achieve their performance goals. They will be carrying flags indicating the finish times they are pacing for and can also be identified by their t-shirts.


Drinks and food stations

Locations will be announced later.

Medical aid

Medical aid will be located at the start/finish area and along the course. Please do not hesitate to contact any medical personnel if you are having difficulties – we appreciate you doing so.

In case of emergency call 8-800-777-12-04

Please mention you are a marathon runner on the call and remember the following “W”s in case of emergency:

  • Where did it happen?
  • What happened?
  • Who is injured?
  • Who is calling?

Wait for any other questions.


There is a time limit for the full marathon - 6 hours.

Your net time will be registered once your cross the finish line.

Please do not remain standing on the finish line, but continue walk slowly to the end of the finish area. After the finish you will recieve drinking water.

If you are feeling unwell, please ask for the medical aid straight away.

The finish area is a long secure area with no public access. First you will receive a medal. Then you will recieve drinking water and foil blanket. Please, move on towards the end of the finish area where you can find massage service and post race meal.


Result timing will be measured with chip timing system. The timing chip is on your race number. Please put your race number on the chest. Do not bend, crumple or fold it, do not keep the race number next to any magnets, it may damage the chip and lead to the loss of your personal result.

Your net running time will be recorded when you cross the start and finish lines. You must cross the time points en route.

During the race, preliminary results will be available on results.runc.run. Time will be measured at start, 5 km, 10 km, 15 km, 21.1 km, 25 km, 30 km, 35 km, 40 km and finish. Your friends will be able to see what marks you have already run and with what time you finished. To find this information, you will need to enter your start number.

After the finish you will receive a text message and email with your preliminary result.

If your result is inaccurate or the result is missing, send a request to protest@runc.run. Specify your first and last name and race number in the email. Claims are accepted only from participants or from their official representatives due to 17:00 on October 3, 2025.



Men and women who place 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th will receive awards.

Age-group awards

Participants of the full marathon will be grouped in the following male and female age groups: 18-19, 20-22, 23-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65 and over. Men and women who place 1st, 2nd or 3rd within their age groups will receive awards. If you won in the age category, you will be contacted by sms.

Getting there

Start area is located on University Square.

Please use metro. It’s the fastest and most convenient way to get to the start area. Arrive to Vorobyovy Gory or University metro station, Red line (1)

Finish area is located on Luzhniki Olympic complex.

Please use metro. Arrive to Vorobyovy Gory or Sportivnaya metro station, Red line (1) or Luzhniki station, MCC (14).

Please take into account road closures, possible delays and queues due to the number of participants. Come to the start area early, do not ruin your chances for a good race by being late.

Please note that you will need at least 90 minutes to get from the metro station to the entrance to a starting corrals.

There will be no car parking facilities near the start.

Entrance to the start area 

The start area will open for participants and spectators at 7:00.

Bike parking will be organized near the entrance.

All visitors are subject to bag search by police. Prohibited items:

  • A weapon of any kind, any dangerous item or “dual-use” item that could be considered dangerous, including hammers, saws, sharp objects, etc.
  • Alcoholic beverages and illegal substances of any kind
  • Glass or metal containers of liquid
  • Suitcases and rolling bags, large packages
  • Animals/pets.


The corporate relay race will start at 9:00.

The start will be divided into blocks according to the submitted estimated personal times. First team member starts after corral A.

Your team net running time will start to be recorded when first team member crosses the start line. Please follow directions from race officials and volunteers at all times for a safe and orderly start to the race.

Please mind your fellow runners when you change lanes, spit, or approach a refreshment stand. Please take care not to endanger others or yourself. In order to be able to hear your fellow runners of volunteers we ask you to run without music headphones. Doing so you also won’t miss any cheers from the spectators.

No animals or wheeled vehicles/devices of any kind are allowed on the course. No wheeled vehicles are allowed to accompany the runners along the course. Anyone who disregards this rule will be disqualifed and removed from the course.

Detailed information will be sent to the team captains before the race.


The relay points are located at marks of the Moscow Marathon.

Technical transport will be located near the relay points.

Participants of stages 2,3,4,5 must arrive at their points no later than half an hour before the expected time of the transfer of the relay.


Additional information about stages will be announced later.

Medical aid

Medical aid will be located at the start/finish area and along the course. Please do not hesitate to contact any medical personnel if you are having difficulties – we appreciate you doing so.


The result of the team will be counted when the participant of the 5th stage crosses the finish line.

A participant of the 5th stage will receive a set of medals for the whole team in the finish corridor.


Team result will be measured with chip timing system, judges at the finish and the video registration system.

Team net running time will be recorded when runners cross the start line, leg change area and finish line.

Within a few hours after the last runner finish you will receive a text message and email with your draft result. The results list will be available online on results.runc.run.


Teams who place 1-3 will receive awards.

Лига марафонов БРИКС

О Лиге

Союз трёх крупнейших марафонов в России среди профессионалов и любителей.

Чтобы стать участником Лиги марафонов БРИКС в 2025 году, нужно пробежать не менее двух марафонских дистанций (42,2 км) за один сезон. Участвуйте в Казанском марафоне (май), марафоне «Белые ночи» (июль) в Санкт-Петербурге и Московском Марафоне (сентябрь) — путешествуйте, получайте новый беговой опыт и особенные трофеи с соревнований. 

Подробности на сайте Лиги.

Kids Run

General Information

Kids Run will take place on September 20, 2025.

Registration will be open later.

More information: kids.runc.run

For Spectators

О программе болельщиков

Общая информация

Поддерживайте любимых, близких или совсем не знакомых бегунов в финишном городке и на дистанции – а мы создадим для этого все условия.

Приезжайте на Спортивную выставку Московского Марафона с 18 по 20 сентября, чтобы запастись атрибутикой болельщика или нарисовать плакат вместе с художником, а также поддержать в субботу участников 10 км на финише, а юных бегунов на Детском забеге.

В день забега следите за результатами бегунов онлайн. Заходите на сайт results.runc.run, выбирайте Московский Марафон и вводите в специальное поле номер бегуна или его фамилию.

Атрибутика болельщика

В финишном городке Московского Марафона можно будет бесплатно получить гуделки, трещотки, свистки и нарисовать плакат вместе с профессиональным

Приходите в Лужники в шатёр Московского Марафона с 18 по 20 сентября в часы работы Спортивной выставки, а также в дни стартов.

Поддержать в городке

Шатёр Московского Марафона

Здесь для вас будут работать ведущий и диджей, будет открыт фирменный магазин Московского Марафона, состоятся встречи с элитными спортсменами и пейсмейкерами, будет организована детская анимация. Здесь можно будет узнать, как и где поддержать бегунов, посмотреть прямую трансляцию Московского Марафона 21 сентября и просто отдохнуть. А ещё – взять трещотки, гуделки, свистки и другую атрибутику, чтобы 20 и 21 сентября поддерживать участников на финише и дистанциях 10 км и 42,2 км.

Поддержать на дистанции

Карта болельщика

На дистанции Московского Марафона будут расположены несколько десятков точек поддержки. 

Здесь будут и музыкальные точки, и точки беговых клубов, и партнёрские зоны. Присоединиться можно к любой из них – чем больше нас будет, тем веселее!

Чтобы участникам и зрителям было удобнее ориентироваться на маршруте Московского Марафона, мы отметим точки поддержки на отдельной карте болельщика, которая будет опубликована позднее.

Важные рекомендации

В марафоне принимают участие десятки тысяч человек, поэтому необходимо соблюдать некоторые правила. В этом блоке мы рассказываем о том, что делать не рекомендуется или категорически запрещено в целях безопасности участников. Эти правила действительно важны. Пожалуйста, изучите их внимательно.

  • Запрещается размещать автомобили рядом с точкой поддержки – это небезопасно для бегунов и других болельщиков, а также может обернуться штрафом. Лучше добираться до точки поддержки общественным транспортом, на самокате или велосипеде.
  • Запрещается самостоятельно размещать шатры и арки. Пожалуйста, обратитесь к нам для согласования таких конструкций.
  • Запрещается использовать пиротехнику, дымовые шашки и другие средства, которые могут навредить здоровью участников и окружающих. Лучше использовать трещотки, гуделки, свистки, помпоны и другую атрибутику болельщиков.
  • Не раздавайте бегунам воду или еду. Мы позаботились об этом и организовали пункты питания на дистанции.
  • Не выходите на дистанцию – это будет мешать движению бегунов. Пересекайте её только при малом скоплении людей и в организованных для этого местах. Обратитесь к персоналу, который подскажет, где и в какое время можно перейти маршрут.
  • Не создавайте помехи участникам забега. Если кому-то из них требуется медицинская помощь, пожалуйста, обратитесь к судьям или волонтёрам.


Live Broadcast


Live broadcast of the Moscow Marathon 2024


Не очень удобно смотреть видео-стриминг? Присоединяйтесь к трансляции в официальном Telegram-канале Московского Марафона. Эксклюзивные фото и видео с дистанции и подробный рассказ о событиях – будет интересно!

For Travellers


All participants of the Moscow Marathon get a special offer with the promo code MOSMAR25 — a 20% discount off the best price for all room categories. Please note: the rate is not prepaid, however the hotel reserves the right to request payment for the stay. The promo code is valid from September 18 to September 23, and the dates available for accommodation using the promo code coincide with the race periods.

AZIMUT City Hotel Smolenskaya is the official hotel partner of the Moscow Half Marathon. Once again, the hotel becomes a gathering place for runners from all over the country. Special accommodation rates are available for marathon participants, offering comfortable conditions for preparation, including a 24/7 fitness center on the 20th floor and a fitness menu.

AZIMUT City Hotel Smolenskaya Moscow is a place that has everything for a comfortable stay. The hotel features 474 SMART rooms, restaurants by renowned restaurateurs, a modern fitness center, a SPA, a bath complex, and parking, all in a convenient central location in Moscow.

AZIMUT City Hotel Tulskaya Moscow is becoming a hotel partner of the Moscow Half Marathon this year. Even more guests of the capital, including not only athletes but also spectators, will be able to choose from various options for a comfortable stay. Special accommodation rates are available for marathon participants and guests.

The hotel is housed in a historic 1897 building within the Danilovskaya Manufactory loft quarter. Offering a wide range of services for relaxation and preparation, guests can enjoy comfortable accommodations in 144 rooms of various categories, a well-equipped gym, and the European cuisine restaurant «Manufaktura».

In April 2025, AZIMUT Hotel Derbenevskaya Moscow will become part of the partner program for one of the largest running events in the country. This cozy and home-like hotel is located just a 10-minute walk from Paveletskaya metro station, in the Danilovsky business district. Only two minutes away lies the picturesque Moscow River embankment, providing the perfect setting for fresh air walks or training sessions.

Thanks to its quiet location, away from noisy streets and traffic, the hotel is an ideal place for both pre-race preparation and post-run recovery. Guests can enjoy comfortable stays in 122 rooms of various categories, dine at the international cuisine restaurant «Avenue», and take advantage of the fully equipped gym. Special accommodation rates apply for marathon participants.

AZIMUT City Hotel Olympic is one of the largest congress hotels in Moscow, offering 496 rooms ranging from Superior to Presidential Suites. The hotel provides a wide range of accommodation and services, catering to the needs of athletes during preparation and after the race.

Located in a modern district near the Olympic Sports Complex, the hotel ensures comfortable accommodations, taking into account the diverse needs of both guests and athletes. On-site facilities include several restaurants and bars, spacious conference halls, a fitness club with a swimming pool, a well-equipped gym, and a relaxing SPA zone.

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Фонд Больше Чем Можешь

Генеральный благотворительный фонд-партнёр Московского Марафона в 2025 году — Больше Чем Можешь.

Благотворительный фонд развития инклюзии в спорте Больше Чем Можешь с 2016 года помогает людям с инвалидностью жить активной жизнью и становиться спортсменами-любителями, несмотря на диагнозы. 

Деятельность Фонда направлена на создание среды для регулярных занятий спортом людей с инвалидностью, развитие у них мотивации, а также на изменение взглядов общества на людей с инвалидностью и их возможности. Подопечные фонда – в основном люди с ДЦП и другими заболеваниями, при которых спорт, как правило, недоступен. Благодаря помощи волонтеров, профессиональных тренеров и реабилитологов, подопечные, которые не могли сделать и шаг, финишируют на марафонах и соревнованиях. Совместные занятия спортом людей с инвалидностью и без способствуют более близкому контакту и общению людей, которые раньше не имели общего «поля» для пересечения.

For Media


Daria Zharkova
Email: d.zharkova@jmgroup.ru

Maria Shipova
Email: m.shipova@jmgroup.ru




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